Dating Someone With Different Political Views: The Impact Of Political Disputes On Dating in the USA
Perhaps when politics didn`t impact social life and relationships. Still, today we can notice the growing polarization of this sphere. It has become a part of daily communication between friends, lovers, and relatives. It influences contacts between people at work, in social meetings, and at home. Today, it can regulate your popularity in social circles and open doors to new opportunities. But what about the pitfalls?
Have you ever thought about the possibility of a romantic affair with a partner who doesn`t share your political views? Do these couples face conflicts? Years ago, the most popular breakers were bad habits, religious differences, and opposite life aims. Today, it seems more and more often people in the U.S. consider political views another important factor.
Different researches prove that today the number of lonely people grows, as they tend to ignore singles who don’t share their opinions on the political topic. How huge is the impact of this sphere on relationships? Can it be compared with the power of religion, for example? If you`re interested in this topic, keep reading to discover all the aspects below.
Are Americans interested in their partners’ political views?
In the U.S., singles are inclined to search for partners with similar political views, as the American society is politicized. But there`s a new tendency to seek soulmates regardless of their views today. Singles after 30 find their partners within their social circle due to the increased mobility and popularity of online dating services. If a person is frustrated or disappointed with local men or women, he or she can fall in love with someone who doesn`t have the same political views.

Politics and dating: what statistics say?
When do Americans learn about the political views of their dating partners? According to the latest research, 14% say that they got to know about it before they had started a romantic affair. Around 48% say that they found it out at the beginning of the connection with their partner. 27% discovered it later in the relationships, and 11% aren`t sure of their partners’ political views at all.
If you wonder can a liberal and a conservative have a relationship you should consider the following. In contrast to conservatives, liberals are more interested in their soulmates’ political views. They`re twice as likely as conservatives to say they were aware of their partner’s politics going in. Relying on the same research, it`s clear that more than 26% of liberals say it`d be impossible to have a romance with a person who disagrees with them when it comes to political views. As this topic stays essential in dating, democrats and liberals who search for partners online often enter their political preferences in their accounts.
Power of politics in dating
Is politics as important as religion?
You know, religious compliance is very important. Catholics prefer to get acquainted with Catholics, and Jews choose Jews partners. Interestingly, singles who aren`t interested in politics don`t choose people who`re interested in it for romances. It lets them find soulmates faster and easier, as they don`t have these criteria in their search.
Is dating possible across political lines?
When it comes to online dating, the majority of Americans say the most essential parameter in their search is age. Males are keen on young and gorgeous ladies, and girls would like to find older and financially stable partners for romantic dates and family life. Race and the education level have great importance for both males and females. Despite the political affiliation isn`t on the same step as these criteria, it’s still a factor, especially for older singles.
How to make your dating someone with opposite political views harmonious?
Many singles believe that any obstacle can stand in the way of true feelings. When political arguments become personal, it might make a relationship impossible or even ruin it. How to save a relationship if your soulmate has different political beliefs?
Focus on common values
Look at your partner and remember that he or she attracted you not with the political views. Think about how many common features you have, which traits of your partner drive you crazy, and what special habits make him or her interesting for you. Family therapists advice to create an atmosphere of searching for similarities instead of looking for differences. Keep in mind that political players change, but not the family. Don`t put off those who are precious to you!

Choose another topics for the conversation
No one can`t live in a bubble, and you can`t get rid of political topics at all. But you have the opportunity to limit the time for such a discussion. You shouldn’t avoid it because of fear. The best advice is not to force interaction and stay open to another point of view. Trust your intuition and choose topics that bring bot of you positive emotions and satisfaction.
Difficulties make you stronger
Your differences in opinions can help to self-develop in the relationhships. They teach you to save humility and open-mindedness while solving difficulties. Also, they allow you taking another opinion and get ready for more serious challenges in the future. Even you disagree with your partner, you learn how to respect her or his beliefs and mindset. If you can solve this little problem, be sure, you`ll cope with even more complicated ones. Difficulties and dating across political orientations make you stronger!
Respect your partner
Some singles find political issues a reason to stop dating. However, if you discover that your new partner belongs to the opposite political side than you follow, your interaction becomes even more important and intriguing. Sometimes differences make a romance more passionate. Don`t be shy to ask about her views and opinion! The crucial tip is to show your respect and prove your serious intentions. When you both mutually fall in love, your feelings have no political affiliation.
When is it not a match?
Some couples face insurmountable contradictions and conflicts. In case your partner disrespects you and tries to change your views and personality, there`s a big chance that your romance will come to an end. Differences connected with political views aren`t crucial until they become personal. Private and public humiliation on this basis is unacceptable, as well as attempts to destroy personal boundaries. But if you both can reconcile your differences and find a common ground on certain topics, you may become a more versatile person. It may keep you broad-minded and lead to positive results in dating someone with different political views.

We`re all different and have a private right to have our own political views. Time changes people, and your partner can change his or her mind later, and your task is to stay understandable and supportive. Today, politics has a big impact on the connections between people, but still, it isn`t the most important criterion for choosing a soulmate. Use tips from this article to create a harmonious atmosphere with your other half, regardless of political differences. Don`t let them ruin your happiness!