Best Safety Tips For Online Dating
Online dating has become a huge trend nowadays since more and more people are beginning to make use of various mail order bride websites on the internet. This has made dating much more simple and fast, but at the same time initiated some dangers connected to it. In this article, you’ll get the best tips on safety in online dating so you’ll always be on guard and know what to do if any trouble appears.

Google yourself before getting down to dating someone online
The very first tip may at first glance seem ridiculous, but it’s a very important step to do before engaging in the dating activities. Many safety problems of online dating seem much clear to you after doing this. Once you enter your name and surname into Google, you may find out some photos and info about you in free access! So check if there’s nothing important so that the person you’ll be talking to won’t get a chance to find out anything extra about you.
Don’t give any personal information at the very start
When you begin chatting with someone, you’re still unaware of who she is and what bad or good intents she might have. This is exactly why the second online dating safety rules is not to give away a lot of personal information in the beginning. This includes: yours and your parent’s phone numbers, bank details, address, and other private things.
Get a Google Voice Number instead of your real one
Google Voice is easy in use app allowing you to make a phone number that’ll work the same as your real one. Its main pro is the ability to easily block someone’s phone number so nobody will be able to harass you any longer. This tip is useful when you’re already having any connection with a particular bride on the site and want to move further in relations.
Keep your workplace off-limits for the dating partner
It’s a very meaningful step to take not to receive a lot of harassment later on. Giving away the company you’re employed in may lead to things like that person appearing there and giving you a hard time. This might seem very unlikely to happen, but such situations have actually happened to some careless users so better to learn from their mistakes.
Make a video call with your dating partner before meeting in real life
To feel safer before a meeting in real life make a video call and chat with your potential date. Find out more about his/her preferences and maybe you can pick up some clues about who this person might be among the lines. The most popular mail order bride platforms provide CamShare option, where you can see your beloved on cam but don’t hear her voice. For the latter, use the phone call function.
Once things get to face-to-face meeting — do it in a public place
It’s one of the most valuable tips for online dating safety because internet chats still won’t show you the real person. Not to get into any problem and to ensure yourself a safe date, choose some nice restaurant where there will be other people around you and your bride. When you feel comfortable and trust her enough, feel free to set up an intimate picnic far from others.

Take public transport on the first real life dates
Another important piece of advice among tips for online dating safety is to ensure yourself full control of the situation. More likely, you’ll go to another country to meet your bride. You won’t know the city, but she’ll feel herself there like home. Google a place where you want to have a date and decide how you’ll get there.
Always stay sober
Let’s imagine your dating partner has turned out to be quite a talkative and friendly person seemingly without any evil intentions. This is a pretty dangerous situation when things come down to drinking so try not to overdo it no matter how nice and comfortable your bride may be. You never know what might be hiding under those nice expressions so take this online dating safety advice very seriously. Moreover, you don’t want her to think of you as a drinker.
Try to involve your good friends in your first dates
This is a very nice step to take because in case of a dangerous situation your buddies can come to the rescue. If you want to feel very secure then tell them a lot of details about the date: the meeting place, different times for things during the date, and other useful information. You may ask them to make a call at the fixed time to check on you.
Now you know what dangerous situations may occur during online dating and how to avoid them and stay safe. If you follow the above-mentioned rules for online dating safety, you’re already halfway ready for anything that may come at you! But don’t let your guard down at all times and always look at things rationally.